Information Technology Personal Questions
What is your interest in IT?
My interest in IT would have to be all the fascinating things that computers can offer to the humanity. It plays a huge role in today’s world. Even individuals who don’t have their interest in IT still have information technology involved in their everyday life without them realising it. Most of the innovations of the 21st century have been accomplished using information technology. I believe IT is the direction of the future, and I would like to understand how it operates, learn how to build websites, make programmes, build apps. Basically anything that is to do with Information Technology presents a great interest to me.
When did your interest in IT start?
My interest in IT started when I was a young child. I remember the first time I had ever experienced a computer game, how amazed I was by the graphics, and fascinated by the idea of creating a computer. As a child I would play Dos games, Sega Mega Drive, Nintendo 64, Gameboy, Playstation, Wii, Xbox 360. When I was in primary school I remember learning words by playing “ Word Rescue” which is a Dos based platform game. That was only the beginning of my passion for technologies. As I was growing up I have been watching technology evolve drastically over the years, and my interest in IT was growing with it. I kept pursuing my passion for information technology, and have done a lot of self learning, always wanting to learn new skills.
Was there a event or person that sparked your interest?
My interest in IT was sparked the moment I played my first video game. I was so fascinated not just by the game, but also by the fact that behind that complex innovation is a human intelligence. That sparked me to understand more how it works in order to be able to create my own programs. Every time I had problems with my computer I would always try and fix it myself as I was determined to improve my skills in computers, and being able to use it to help others.Outline your IT experience?
I don’t have a professional IT experience, but I am a self learnt IT person.
My experience in IT would be regular computer maintenance check-ups and general understanding of fixing computer problems. Also editing videos and sound audios for different websites.
Why did you choose to come to RMIT?The reason why I decided to study through RMIT is because I want to have a strong influence of education to help me to have an impact on the future, I want to be able to use my skills to help the world be a better and safer place, but also I want to create my own programs and be able to design websites that are effective. And I believe RMIT will provide me with the knowledge and experience that IT industry requires today. What do you expect to learn during your studies? I expect to learn how to be able to build professional programs that will make a difference in society. I expect to be able to design and develop websites that are effective. And I expect to learn how computers operate. My Ideal job
The position is called Web Applications Developer/Programmer. The main role is to create web applications for students to help them increase the quality of their studies, maintain applications to make sure they meet educational purposes. The role also includes providing with the advice to the team members to help them develop systems that are achievable and at a lower cost. Also, as part of the role you will be required to solve technical problems if they occur.
I would be interested in working in this role because I like to create apps/programmes, and, I like to help people. Being a student myself I understand the importance of having a software for your studies that help you increase your learning making studying experience easier and more productive. In order to be selected for this role you need to know how to work with PHP, SQL, JavaScript and HTML. You also need to have an experience with SVN, SCP tools, UNIX command line, know the use of SQL IDE tools such as PL/SQL Developer.
As this being the first year of my University studies, I haven’t got the qualifications needed for this role yet, same as experience or a distinct knowledge of creating a software of this type. However, as I’m progressing in my studies, I would like to get an internship with one of the web developing companies to obtain the experience needed, and gain as much practical knowledge as I can.
Personal profile results The results of these tests helped me to understand more about my learning skills, which gave me an indication of how to adjust my learning styles to achieve better results. It also helped me understand myself better when it comes to processing information and explained why some particular learning styles didn’t work for me as much other styles. In addition to all that I got to know my strengths and weaknesses which gives me an opportunity to work on my weakness to improve it and continue developing my strengths to make it even more beneficial. These results helped me understand myself better when it comes to working in a team environment. For example, with results showing that I’m more of an introvert than extravert, it will help me focus better on my communication skills with my team members. Also, with results showing that I am willing to take risks and follow the promptings to try something new, I will try to be considerate of that and to use that quality with my team members to encourage them to take risks when needed and go outside of their comfort zone. When forming a team, I believe the most beneficial would be to consider qualities in students that can be complimentary to mine, and vice versa, so that we can minimise our weaknesses and optimise our strengths. kindly find attacthed the links below to the answers of my personal profile results Famous ISFPS